This week I’ve fallen a bit behind on the One Room Challenge because I’m currently in Chicago for the Domino Magazine’s Blog Awards! I’ll do a full post about it when I get back home, but it was so great to meet bloggers IRL– that’s internet talk for in real life ;)– and I’ve loved doing some sight seeing in Chicago.
I did manage to repaint our porch furniture set before I left. I was surprised how much of an impact a simple color change made. It’s much more dramatic in black!

Porch ceiling before
I also painted the ceiling of the porch. I have mixed feelings on this one. I kind of love the chippy paint, but we do want to sell our home in the near future and I wasn’t sure if buyers would understand the design choice.

Porch Ceiling Painted After
So I painted it and there’s no going back now! I had this CB2 light just sitting in our guest bedroom forever. I had planned to put this light in our hall. But we don’t really need it there and since it was already paid for, I decided to hang it on the porch. It’s probably a bit small for the space, but I’m on a super tight budget now and I still need to buy plants and gravel– which ain’t cheap!
I am totally behind now and I hope I can finish it in the next two weeks. It’s a long list! Stay tuned!
Be sure to check out the other guest participating in the One Room Challenge here. And the designers here.
Ok, those little details are awesome! Can’t wait to see this porch come together!
I can’t wait to see your room! It looks amazing!
Looking good – like the bench redo. Good luck!
Thanks so much!
Wow! Yay on the Domino awards and trip. I’m doing a porch too and I traveled last week and have fallen behind – a lot!! I love your porch furniture and I went back and caught up on your ORC posts and the sander on the broom is the best thing ever!!
Haha, genius, right? I hope you (and I) both catch up!
Week 4 has proven to be the hardest!! I’m sure you’ve got this!
Thanks! I’m hoping to finish!