Tag Archives: shelves

Airstream Update: The White Thing

book shelves in an airstream

On the 4th, we had our friends over to enjoy a fire pit. They have a three-year-old who was very impressed with the airstream. He kept asking if he could go into “the white thing.” I’m pretty sure he thought it was a playhouse. I’m ok with that.

shelving in an airstream trailer
You can see that we finally got all the shelves built and painted! We also did a bunch of unphotogenic stuff like fix the water heater. I also did a bad thing, ya’ll. I accidentally painted over the knobs for the air-conditioning. We tried turning it on and thought it didn’t work. After much Googling, we figured out there was higher setting on the knob. Doh!

I may be a couple pickles short of the jar, but we have the sweet, sweet joy of air-conditioning.


The Biggest Before and After EVER!


The old library shelving



We had our reference section sitting on our study carrels for 6 months because the shelving collapsed when we tried to move it : /


I’ve been absent ’round these parts because… (dun, dun, dun!) I’ve had a huge project at work (whomp, whomp). But this is no ordinary project. Last year, I wrote a request to the senior leadership team at my school to fund new library shelving. The old shelving was falling apart. Literally. The furniture in the library was all original to the school, so it has been there since 1969! After much fighting, scraping and the occasional tear, we got the go ahead for new shelving!

Today I am happy to bring you the biggest “Before and After” this blog has ever seen!



I no longer feel like I might get assaulted when I re-shelve books!

I no longer feel like I might get assaulted when I re-shelve books!

Our new bright, airy stacks!

It has been a long process. We weeded 6,000 books from the collection. We researched and designed shelves. And we physically moved and re-shelved 24,000 books.

I am tired. My body hurts. I didn’t know being a librarian often involves so much physical labor. I actually soaked in Epsom salts last night. I am an old lady, but a happy old lady who knows that hard work pays off.
