Tag Archives: happy new year

Happy New Year!

I’m not big on resolutions, but I do like to have a guiding One Little Word for the year. The premise is simple– just pick one word to guide you through the year. I’ve found that it’s easier and more impactful than a resolution.

Last year’s word was brave. And man, oh man, there were times I had to be brave.  2016 challenged me. Mostly in ways too personal to share. I learned a lot about myself. I wrote a book! I released a pin! I gave up things that no longer served me and I made some big decisions. I was brave. My 2017 word is “leap.” And here’s why…

The Myers-Briggs personality test classifies me as an INTJ. It’s actually one of the more rare personality types and it’s even more rare for women. Being an INTJ means I’m a great researcher, but I think (and worry) too much. This year I want to take more risks. I’ve never regretted the biggest risks in my life– like living full-time in the Airstream, marrying George or adopting my beloved pup, Bambi. This year I want to leap more and worry less about the (often times imagined negative) consequences.

What are your goals for 2017? Do you have a one little word? I want to hear about it in the comments!

Do you want to make the leap to living full-time in an RV, Airstream or motor home? I wrote a guide on how to live that life, available here. It’s truly one of the best leaps I’ve ever made.