Hi friends. How are you… genuinely? It’s ok to feel anxious right now. It’s a time of unknowns and unknowns can be scary.
I have had generalized anxiety disorder for most of my life. Although I do recommend meditation, I know from experience that it’s not always easy or helpful in the moment. So I thought I’d share a list of 10 things that help me calm my nerves when I feel anxious.
1. Clean something really well. Not in a bleach your skin off because we’re all going to die kind of way, just a casual, refreshing, deep clean kind of way. ✨
2. Make a meal for someone you love (or even just someone you kind of like). 🥘⠀
3. Watch a relaxing TV show. Put your phone in the other room, so you can’t “check it.” My favorites are Antiques Roadshow and Gardener’s World. They’re like a spa for my brain. 📺
4. Drink some water. You cute, but you dehydrated. (We all are.) 🚰⠀
5. Plant something! Scientists have found a bacterium that lives in soil makes an anti-inflammatory fatty acid that can promote resilience to stress. 🌱
6. Have an attitude of gratitude by making a list of 10 good things in your life. 📝
7. Eat something green. (Green jellybeans don’t count.) I’m talking veggies, folks. 🥗⠀
8. Do something on your to-do list that you’ve been putting off. ✅⠀
9. Wash your hands. Not in a hysterical way, just in a sing your favorite lyrics kind of way. Check out washyourlyrics.com to create your own poster with your favorite song. 👐🏼⠀
10. Talk to a professional. We can all benefit from therapy and I’ll never step down from that soapbox. 📢⠀
Feel free to share your favorite calming activities below so we can all benefit! And hang in there. We got this.
Thanks, Melanie! I worked in the yard for awhile this afternoon and felt so much better afterward. Being outside and accomplishing something lifted my spirits.
Oh definitely! Being outside helps so much! I was thinking about you the other day! I’m going to send you an email!
Listening to some of my favorite songs or taking a nap usually helps me to feel better. 🙂
Yes! I agree! Napping is sometimes the best answer!
Thanks for the ideas. Getting outside in nature is some of the best medicine.
That’s so true!
This is a great list! I legit LOLed at #4, so thank you for that. 🙂
glad to help!
Green jellybeans are trash anyway. Pink is where it’s at!
Also, yes, eat some kale haha.
Haha! I kind of like the green apple ones. 😉