As someone who has lived in 188 square feet, those tiny house TV shows really grind my gears. Let’s all be honest: yes, living in a tiny house can greatly improve your life and your finances. But it’s not all sunshine and rainbows like those TV shows make it out to be. Tiny house problems definitely exist and you should know the reality before you get into the lifestyle. So today I’m spilling the tea and revealing five things no one tells you about living in a tiny house.
1. A Tiny House Won’t Solve All Your Problems
Many tiny house TV shows make it out to seem that a tiny house is a magical pill to solve all your problems. And while living in a tiny house may help with your finances, may help you travel more and may help you achieve your goals, it won’t solve all your problems for you. You still have to work to achieve your goals.

2. Living in a Tiny House May Be Illegal
Although a lot of people skirt the legality of tiny houses, it may be a concern for you. In some extreme cases, you may have to pack up and move because, depending on your area, it may be illegal to live in a house on wheels or in a tiny space. Full disclosure: I am no lawyer and you’ll want to check your county and city requirements to decide if the risks are worth the rewards.
3. Tiny House Problems: You’ll Hear All the Noises and Smell All the Smells
Hey, we’re getting real here. It’s a small space! If those things make you uncomfortable, try playing some music, turning on a fan or lighting a candle. But honestly, it’s better to just be comfortable with the bodily functions of your housemate.

4. Your House will Get Messy Very Quickly
When I first started my tiny house journey I thought keeping my house clean was going to be a breeze. But I didn’t anticipate that just having one thing out of place in a small space will make the entire space look messy. Also, if you track dirt in, you’ll have dirt all over the house. Luckily in a tiny house clean up goes much quicker than in a standard-sized home.
5. Living in a Tiny House Can Be Isolating
Sometimes I felt brave to be living differently than all my friends. And other times it felt very isolating. Back then, I was the only person I knew living in a tiny home. There wasn’t a huge community of tiny housers and it was anything but normal. Luckily now things are changing.
Update: I still cherish the time I did spend in our tiny home, but I no longer live in an 188 square foot Airstream. I now live in a small, 800-ish sq ft house. It’s working well for us! I still cherish the time I did spend in our tiny home.
I lived in a camper/travel trailer by myself for many years. I had all the amenities to be comfortable. I decided to build a 1000 sq ft home for myself. I had to buy furniture, etc and I collected things I really don’t need. I miss the efficiency of the home on wheels.
That is a good point. Living in a camper can force you into being minimalistic 🙂
I love the idea of going tiny! I have two young children and want to have financial stability to help them with college or their goals! My long-term goal is to live very minimal and also environmentally supportive! Thanks for the shares!
-Melanie L
What great goals! Good luck!