“They think I’m simpleminded because I seem to be happy. Why shouldn’t I be happy? I have all I ever wanted and more. Maybe I am simpleminded. Maybe that’s they key: simple.”
Dolly knows best. <3.
“I end up not buying a lot of things, because I find them ridiculous.”
Most stuff we have isn’t stuff we need. It’s ridiculous stuff that we thought we wanted for a fleeting moment and then never used again. It’s ridiculous stuff that we got as a gift and didn’t want to throw away. It’s ridiculous new stuff that we thought we needed when the old would’ve done just fine. There’s enough ridiculous in our lives without buying more.
Last week we had a funny thing happen. Someone that George had known from the church he went to when he was growing up dropped off a card full of cash at our house! Apparently they had heard that George was unemployed (he’s not) and that we were having a hard time (we’re not). But they also had driven by and saw the trailer, so they assumed all of that information was correct. It was a super sweet gesture and I was certainly happy to receive the gift, but we are not “in need.” We’ve returned the money and I thought it might be nice to share the letter that I attached to the money. The long of the short of it is: We consider ourselves to be houseless, not homeless.
Dear _______________,
Thank you so much for your generous gift. It is comforting to know that in a time of need, neighbors, friends and strangers will be there for you. I am writing to you today because this is not our time of need and we cannot accept your gift. Please let me explain.
Almost two years ago, George and I were at a crossroads. I had a new job opportunity in the area. Unfortunately, the job requires me to work evenings. I knew with both of us working “regular jobs,” we would rarely get to see each other. At the same time, George was working as a teacher by day and illustrating by night. Together we made the decision that George should quit his teaching job to pursue his art full-time. In order to get George’s business off the ground, we knew that we would have to make some sacrifices. I make a decent wage at my job, but we knew that it would be difficult to pay rent or buy a house and establish a small business at the same time. Therefore, we decided to live a simpler, smaller life. It is the best decision we have ever made. I know it may look strange to others, but our lifestyle was and is our choice. We consider ourselves very lucky. Neither George nor I have ever known hunger and this lifestyle has given us the ability to save money to pursue our dreams.
I cannot thank you enough for your concern and your gift. Knowing that people care about us is a gift in and of itself.
Thank you,
Melanie and George
Matthew 6:22 “The lamp of the body is the eye. If, then, your eye is simple, your whole body will be bright.”
Have anyone ever thought you were in need due to your lifestyle choices? I’d love to hear about it in the comments!
It’s easy to be average. It’s easy to be in debt and live above your means. It’s easy to lie to yourself. It’s easy to complicate your life. What’s harder is being great. What’s harder is living simply. What’s harder is looking for the good in the everyday. What’s harder is telling yourself the truth.
How do you cultivate greatness? Let me know in the comments!
Living simply has been on my mind as of late. I think I live a pretty simple life. I mean, it can’t get too complicated when you live in an Airstream. I may have the whole simplistic living situation figured out, but there’s still plenty of room for improvement. Lately I’ve been feeling a little “over” the Internet. There’s just a whole lot of stuff and not enough substance. Do you feel me? This week I’ve weeded out time-consuming blogs. I’m also giving myself a little break to take a technology detox and celebrate a special someone’s birthday tomorrow. I’m going to get out there with my favorite person and just live.
How do you keep it simple? Let me know in the comments.
I’m a little late to the New Year’s game, but it’s never too late to set goals for yourself. Right? In 2013, I’m not resolving, but I’m making S.M.A.R.T. goals to simplify my life and be nicer to myself. I’m not going to share my specific “S.M.A.R.T.” goals because they’re too personal. Sometimes keeping goals a secret is smart too.
I’ve recognized over the past year with the stresses of taking on more responsibilities at work and planning a wedding that I need to be nicer to myself. I can’t beat myself up if the dishes aren’t done or if I never finish the unending laundry pile in my downstairs bathroom. I can’t even beat myself up if my blog posts are sporadic.
I’ve also recognized that I want to live a simpler life– which means owning less stuff and appreciating small things. I feel so lucky to have so much: a new husband, a loving family and a warm place to live. This year, I want to appreciate all I have everyday.
Is anyone else trying similar goals? Let me know in the comments.