Tag Archives: savings

Airstream Update: An Unfortunate Little Incident

The current state of the bathroom.

The current state of the bathroom.

When George went to turn on the hot water heater Friday morning, he discovered that the flooring underneath the heater was wet. Not good. I went on my merry way to work, hoping it was just a little leak. But during the course of the evening, I received more and more alarming text messages from him. This one pretty much said it all: “Found the source of the leak. Tell you about it when you get home.” He was preparing me for the worst.

And I came home to less than ideal news. George found the source of the leak. It was our hot water heater, as we had feared. The most expensive thing in the Airstream to replace. The heater runs on both electricity and gas so it isn’t as cheap as standard hot water heaters. He also had to tear up our bathroom floor because water had seeped under the floorboards and managed to warp the floor.

If something like this had happened two years ago, I would have flipped out. But living in the Airstream has some advantages. It’s allowed me to save enough for an emergency fund and replacing our floor won’t be nearly as expensive as replacing a floor in a home. Our bathroom is tiny. The hot water heater set us back about $600 bucks and I’m bummed about it, but it isn’t nearly as tragic as it could be. The hot water heater was original and we got almost a year of use out of it before it kicked the bucket.

We’ll have hot water again soon and we’ll make the money back. Living in the Airstream and having this adventure has taught me to be more resourceful and resilient than I’ve ever been. We’re lucky to have caught the leak fairly early and we’re lucky to have a home.

love and resilience,


How to Save Money at Your Local Fair

save money at fairIt’s fair season, ya’ll! The air is crisp and so are the dollar bills in my pocket. I love a good state fair as much as the next fellow, but I don’t love dropping my hard-earned cash. Here’s how I saved some money this year at the fair.

1. Check the website! Each fair is going to be different, but with the larger fairs, the “deals” will usually be published on the website. Deals could include free admission on certain days, discounted tickets if you buy in advance and free admission for children or seniors. The NC State fair has all of these deals!

2. Keep an eye out for free events. Our fair had free bluegrass music, tons of fascinating exhibits– like blacksmithing, beekeeping and pottery, and other super interesting educational events. The fair isn’t all rides and deep fried food.

gorilla girl3. Consider bringing your own food or sharing. Yes, the food is insane and often makes the trip, but it’s also crazy-expensive. Consider bringing your own food, bottles of water and sharing. Bottles of water were $2 at our local fair. That’s crazy town, people. Bring your own.

4. Buy a lunch pass. Not all fairs do this, but if you are just in it for the food, the NC State fair will let you purchase food on weekdays for free with a lunch pass.

5. Avoid parking fees. Lace on your tennis shoes and get ready to walk. Map out the closest free parking lot to the fair in advance and plan to walk. Nothing bums me out more than having to pay to park my car somewhere.

What other kind of tips do you have for saving money at your local fair? Let me hear ’em in the comments.


How to Get Back on the Savings Bandwagon (After You’ve Fallen Off)

Savings BandwagonI haven’t been kind to my bank account this month. (Insert EEEK emoji here.) And I know, the month isn’t even close to being over yet. (Insert shocked emoji here.) I may or may not have fallen off the savings bandwagon and hit every rock, speed bump and pothole on the way. (Is there a wagon emoji?)

It’s been a difficult couple of weeks. I’ve had big projects and big stresses at work. I’ve used that as an excuse to dine out quite a few times, get my hair done and buy myself a few little gifts. At the time, I felt like I deserved it. Now I just feel guilty, disappointed and a little hungover. (Insert all applicable drink emojis.)

Towards the end of the month, George and I are going to a wedding and to Portland. I know it will be impossible to not spend anything for the rest of the month, but I’m determined to get back on the savings bandwagon. Here’s how I’m going to do it:

1. Relax: Overspending happens. It’s a fact of life. Some months I’m going to be looser with my money than others. If I relax and get over it, I’ll be able to learn from my mistakes.

2. Pat myself on the back: It might seem odd to be so kind to myself, but I’m improving. The old me would have just spent and spent until my balance hit $0.00 in my checking account. Then, I would have had to pull from savings to pay my bills for the rest of the month. At least I recognized that I was going down that old familiar road and corrected my habits before I did too much more damage.

3. Add “fun money” into the budget: One of the mistakes I’ve been making is that I’ve been so tight with my budget that I didn’t allow any fun. Too tightly budgeting has put extra stress on me and when I get stressed, it’s easy for me to have that all or nothing attitude.

4. Keep learning, keep researching: Learning new things is a big motivator in my life. Learning, more than anything, inspires me to keep moving and keep improving. To help me learn from my mistakes and learn more about money, I’ve checked out a few financial books from my library. I also participated in a recent professional development session about retirement hosted by my employer.

5. Prepare for next time: I’m going to have crazy days, weeks, months and years. I need to start preparing for those times. This weekend, I plan to freeze a few meals for extra busy weeknights when I don’t have time to cook. I also plan to schedule a few blog posts so I don’t end up writing at 10 pm when I get home from work.

How have you climbed back on the saving bandwagon? How do you prepare for the busy times when savings takes a backseat? Let me know in the comments!



20 Weird Ways to Save Money

Weird ways to saveMy dad once told me a story of this guy at his work who was so thrifty that he ate only bologna sandwiches for the last 20 years. That’s it. Two pieces of white bread, a piece of bologna and some mustard. (Not even any cheese!) Every day. His coworkers used to say that he was so tight with money that if you squeezed him, quarters would fall out of his butt. Crude, I know. When he died, they went into his house and found almost a million dollars stashed under his mattress.

I don’t know if the story is true, my dad tends to exaggerate, but it’s the ultimate story of odd thriftiness. I’m not suggesting you only eat bologna sandwiches because I can’t believe the guy didn’t get scurvy. I’m also not saying that you die with a million dollars stashed under your mattress because you do need to live a little. But I thought I’d share some less extreme, but still a little weird ways I’ve found to save cash.

  1. Don’t wash your hairMy hair stylist actually suggested this one and it has saved me a ton of money. I went from washing my hair every day to washing it once a week. My hair is so much healthier now, less dry and I save an hour a day. And I know what you are thinking: But my hair is oily! George‘s hair was too, but when I convinced him to quit washing his hair so much, his body regulated itself and produced less oil. You’ll go through a gross stage where your hair looks terrible for about a week, but see it through. I’ve yet to go completely shampoo-less, but some people swear by it!
  2. Don’t coupon: Believe it or not, couponing can lead to overspending. Those $10 off $100 deals can be a trick to get you to spend more than you planned. Expiring offers, like those from Groupon or Living Social, can also put pressure on you to make an impulse purchase. And believe it or not, some coupons aren’t actually a “deal.” Coupons are usually for name-brand items, and sometimes even with the coupon, the generic brand is cheaper. Ridiculous! Read more about why I don’t coupon here.
  3. Unsubscribe to junk mail and email: Unsubscribe to retailer emails through Unroll Me and junk snail mail through Catalog Choice. The junk mail will never even make it to your mailbox or inbox, taking away the temptation before it happens! It’s also a great tip to keep down clutter.
  4. Shop under a time limit: Shop before you have to be somewhere or set a stopwatch and give yourself a limited time to shop. There’s less temptation when you know you need to just get 5 things and get out. Sometimes I’ll shop on my lunch break and store the food in the break room fridge at work. It gives me a chance to get out of the office and shop on a deadline.
  5. Flush less: If it’s yellow let it mellow, if it’s brown flush it down. Nuff said.
  6. Put a water bottle in your toilet tank: Ok, after this one, I swear I’m going to be less gross. A capped water bottle filled with sand in the back of a toilet tank can displacing enough water to save 10 gallons a day. That’s a savings of almost $100 per year! Sometimes it pays off to be slightly gross.
  7. Displace water in your tub (or bathe together!): Displacing water in your tub can also save some dough. I’ll let you decide what or who to help you displace the water 😉
  8. Cash only: Challenge yourself to operate on cash only. By doing everything from paying bills in cash to using cash for groceries, you’ll see exactly where your money is spent. It might be a little more hassle, but the convenience of credit and debit cards can lead to overspending.
  9. Save condiments: If you eat out, save your leftover condiments. My paternal grandma, god bless her, didn’t pay for a single condiment in her entire life. She had a giant Ziplock in her fridge full of ketchup, mustard and mayo packages. She also freshened her breath with the parsley garnish on her plate. As a kid, I thought it was the weirdest thing ever. But now, I know, she was a smart lady. Smart enough to raise five kids on a single income home. Which leads me to…
  10. Think like your grandma: I don’t know when it happened, maybe the ’80s, but people started to get spoiled. We had a boom economy and “treat yo’ self” was the norm. Maybe they said it differently, “Like totally, treat yourself, dude,” but times were easier. Now, it looks like that time was the exception, not the norm. We need to learn how to make do and mend like our grandparents.
  11. Make friends with thrifty people (and stay away from the big spenders): I’m not saying you should ditch all your rich friends because you might need to use their yacht one day, but being friends with like-minded thrifty people is much easier. Your big spending friends influence you to spend more whether you realize it or not. Hanging out with my friend, Gabby, who is ultra-thrifty has has challenged me to be thriftier too. She is a Craigslist ninja!
  12. Eat raw: Uncooked veggies are significantly cheaper than meat. Plain and simple. You don’t turn on your stove, so you save energy costs and we all know how much cheaper veggies are than meat. If this idea is hard for you (it’s totally hard for me! I’m a big omnivore), challenge yourself to just eating one day or one meal per week meat-free. Even Martha does “meatless Monday,” so you know it’s a good idea.
  13. Forage: I’m no foraging expert, but truly getting back to the land can be an educational, money-saving experience. I wouldn’t recommend you go at it alone, though. You don’t want to end up all Into the Wild, but there are mycological (mushroom hunting!) and foraging clubs across the U.S.
  14. Reuse disposable items: Tinfoil, Ziplock bags, saran wrap and other “disposable” items can all be reused. I, personally, wouldn’t reuse them more than a couple of times because I worry about chemicals, but I had a friend who said his mom still had a package of tinfoil from the ’70s because she always reused it. That’s thrifty, ya’ll.
  15. Reuse coffee grinds: This is one of my favorite tips because, well, I love coffee and I have super dry skin. Coffee grinds are a great exfoliator. My skin glows after I slough some on. The jury is still out, but I also heard that coffee grinds can help cellulite ANDDDD those delicious, fragrant grinds can also be used in your garden as fertilizer. Is there anything coffee can’t do?
  16. Shift your thinking: I once read that if you begin thinking of yourself as a fit person, you’ll become more fit. If you tell yourself you “don’t”  eat something instead of “can’t” eat something, you are taking away the negative emotion and empowering yourself. It works the same with money. Begin thinking of yourself as a saver and you’re more likely to actually save. Try telling yourself that you “don’t” overspend instead of you “can’t” overspend. It’s liberating.
  17. Get Scroogy: The holidays are coming up and it’s oh so easy to walk into the nearest Target and drop $200 bucks on decorations. Try making your holiday decorations out of stuff you have around the house or forgo decorations all together this year. You could also make it clear to your friends and family that you won’t be partaking in present exchanges this year. They’ll probably be disappointed, but explain your reasoning and they’ll get over it. If you’re crafty, you could also try your hand at making gifts this year.
  18. Pick up every coin you find: I have a friend who literally throws pennies away. She also won’t pick up change on the ground. WHO DOES THAT. Last year, my mom picked up every coin she saw on the ground, put it in a jar and at the end of the year, it added up to almost $12. That’s free money!
  19. Go to bed earlier: This is a toughie for me, but I know if I go to bed earlier and get up earlier, I’ll be taking greater advantage of the daylight and using less electricity at night.
  20. Make it a competition: Start a saving competition with your family or friends. See who can  save the most money each month. Make sure there is a prize at the end, so you all have that incentive. May I suggest a weekend trip together?
  21. Bonus tip! Live in an Airstream. No really! We do it and it’s been the biggest money saver in our lives. Want to read more about how we live? Start here.

What weird, crazy or out of the box tips or tricks do you have to save a buck? Let me know in the comments!


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