Tag Archives: motorcycles

Why It’s OK to Give Up… Sometimes

Me looking very tired in my motorcycle gear.

Me looking very tired in my motorcycle gear.

This past weekend I attended my first motorcycle class. I was nervous and excited, but to be honest, I didn’t have much time to think about it. I’ve had an insane week.

Prior to going into any new situation, I like to prepare myself– mentally and physically. (Amy Cuddy has an amazing TED talk about body language and confidence.) But this time, it just didn’t happen. I went into the class unprepared.

I’ve been wanting to learn to ride a motorcycle for a while. And when the college I work at started offering classes, I jumped at the chance– just like I usually jump at every chance and opportunity that comes my way.

But jumping at every opportunity has its disadvantages. George and I had a long talk last night about how we spread ourselves too thin. We were taught at a young age to go for every opportunity because it might not come our way again. We were also taught the art of perseverance and to never, ever, under any circumstance give up.

The older I get, the more I think I need to stop jumping at every little opportunity that passes by. I also am beginning to think that sometimes it just might be ok to give up. I was feeling disheartened, unenthusiastic and worn out by the end of my motorcycle class on Saturday. I was dreading attending class on the following day.

I had several people try to convince me that I shouldn’t “give up” and that I should “push through.” But at the end of the day on Saturday, I wasn’t having fun anymore. So I listened to my body and my instincts and I quit the class. It is the first thing I can remember ever consciously quitting.

Yesterday I let myself sleep in and relax all day with George. And it felt good. Really good. I experienced a little twinge of guilt when my alarm went off in the morning, but I hit the ignore button and kept on sleeping. Because that was what I needed at that moment.

I will attempt to learn how to ride a motorcycle again. But next time I’m doing it at my own speed. When that next opportunity or project rolls around, I am going to think twice and remember that sometimes it is ok to quit things that aren’t important.

Have you ever been a “quitter?”


Love Adventure

Last weekend, George and I went on a motorcycle ride to the Great Dismal Swamp. Although the swamp isn’t far from our house, it was quite the adventure. Prior to the trip, I had only rode on George’s bike at about 45 mph. I’m not afraid to admit that at 70 mph, I was holding on for dear life. George is terribly ticklish and he said I had to stop holding him in a death grip because he might die from laughter. I managed to get a few snapshots on the bike after I got my courage up.

The swamp has a man-made canal! Next time, I want to take my canoe down the canal.

We had a picnic and watched boats sail down the canal.

We made jokes about this guy’s “dingy” hanging out.

And on the way back home, I got up my nerve enough to take a couple of pictures from the bike.

What kind of adventures do you have planned this weekend?
