Decluttering and ultimately living “a small life” has been the catalyst for changing and improving my entire life.
Decluttering was the first step to:
✔️Saving $30,000 for the downpayment on my small house.
✔️Quitting my soul-sucking job and opening up my own business.
✔️Traveling to places I had only seen on TV.
✔️Reducing my carbon footprint and my reliance on “stuff” to make me happy.
To teach other’s the first step to living a happier life, I’ve just opened the Two Week Declutter Email Course. For each day for 14 days, you’ll receive an email from me with a decluttering task. These tasks will range from decluttering your wardrobe and kitchen to decluttering your obligations and mind.
There’s no forum, nowhere to login and no complicated B.S. This is designed to be a simple email course, so you can focus on the important work of decluttering your home.
For the next week, I’m offering the course at the introductory rate of $27. That’s less than the price of a Target impulse-buy. I’m offering it at this price against the advice of a business coach because I understand what it’s like to not have much money, but still need help from a professional. After the next week, I’ll be raising the price.
If you’re ready to commit to change, click here. If you’re hesitating or have questions, feel free to send me an email or ask in the comments below and I’ll get right back to ya!
Let’s make 2020 our happiest year yet!