Picture courtesy of Joseph Brent on Flickr.
I used to be a total clothes horse. Whinny, whinny, neigh, neigh. Seriously, ya’ll, give me some hay and you could have called me Mister Ed. In college I’d live off Ramen noodles just to sustain my clothing addiction. It wasn’t a healthy situation– nutritionally or financially.
Recently I’ve been going over my spending habits for the last year. Yawn. I know, I’m super boring, but it excited me to know that I’ve cut down on my clothes habit substantially. How substantially? Well, I went from spending an estimated $1,500 a year on clothing to just $150. Here’s how I did it:
- Set priorities
When I began budgeting and saving money this year, my biggest trick has been to set priorities. Before everything was a priority. Clothes, house, car, food– all equal weight. Now, I make saving for travel and retirement my biggest priority. I put very little money into my clothes budget (or any other budget for that matter) because I’d rather spend that money traveling.
- Assess what you have
I used to buy the exact same black sweater over and over again. I would simply forget that I already owned 5 black sweaters until I assessed my closet. I weeded down all my unnecessary clothing items and I now keep a list of clothes I could actually use on my phone. That way when I’m out shopping, I know exactly what clothing items will round out my closet and which items I don’t need (no matter how cheap they might be.)
- Sell it or give it away
During the closet assessment, be brutally honest. If you don’t wear those skinny jeans, sell them and move on. There’s a ton of different places that will buy gently worn items. There’s Plato’s Closet where I live, and most big U.S. cities have a Buffalo Exchange (which I love!). Often times the clothing exchanges will either give you cash (awesome!) or they’ll let you exchange your items for an in-store credit. If you are feeling charitable, you could also give your items away to your local thrift store and you may be able to get a tax deduction.
- Swap with friends or family
Chances are your friends and family, like you, have a bunch of clothing lying around that they don’t wear. Grab some snacks and some wine and invite them over to swap clothing. If your friends and family aren’t all the same size that’s A-OK. Swapping accessories is just as fun. (See #11 below.)
- Swap online
Have you all heard of Swapdom yet? It’s a relatively new online clothing swap and I’m super excited about it. I’m going to be put some clothes up there and let’s swap, mmmkk?
- Use coupons and watch for discount days
I don’t coupon for food (here’s why), but I will coupon for clothing. There are coupons for clothes in almost every newspaper every Sunday (and sometimes on weekdays!). When I need an article of clothing, I’ll always check the newspaper coupons before I go. I’ll then go to the clearance section first to see if I can combine my coupon with a clearance item. I’ve actually “bought” clothing for free this way!
- Find a tailor
Big secret: Most clothes patterns were not made with the average person in mind. Another big secret: There is no average body. Everyone’s body is different. I used to get totally depressed that every.single.pair. of pants I tried on didn’t fit my body type. But I got a great and inexpensive tailor and got over it. Tailors make clothes look more expensive because they alter the fit for your body. This is also great for when you found a clothing item that’s super cheap, but the fit is just slightly off.
- Learn how to sew
Learning how to do basic clothing repairs, like sewing on a button, is really a life skill. Learn how to reattach buttons and sew up small holes and you’ll save your wardrobe.
- Buy higher quality
One of the best pieces of knowledge I’ve learned is to recognize when a piece of clothing is a P.O.S.. You don’t have to shop at high price places to get high quality either. (I’ve actually bought a sweater at Target that have lasted a lot longer than a similar, much more expensive sweater from J.Crew.) Look at the seams and the thread. Is the thread insanely thin? Is there thread coming out of the seams? Are the seams single or double stitched? Are there extra buttons for repairs? What is it made of? If it looks cheap, it probably is cheap, keep walking, sister.
- Buy second-hand
You might think this tip goes against the previous tip, but it totally doesn’t. Buying second-hand doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice quality. Being a patient thrift store shopper can pay off. If you aren’t as patient (sometimes I’m not) clothing exchange stores can be a good bet because they’ve already weeded through much of the junk.
- Look for timeless pieces
Timeless pieces mean more bang for your buck because you can wear them much longer. Avoid trends and you’ll be able to wear pieces season after season. I always like to think would I fit in on an episode of Mad Men? If not, I don’t buy it.
- Learn to accessorize
It sounds like a cliche ’80’s sitcom when I say this, but accessories can totally change the look of an outfit. You could wear the same black pants and white shirt for a week straight with different accessories and no one would ever notice. I may or may not be guilty of this…
- Ask for clothes as gifts
Remember when you were a kid and clothes as gifts were the worst? Well, clothes as gifts are kind of the best now. To avoid Aunt Ethel buying you a Bill Cosby sweater, I’d suggest telling that loved one exactly what you want. (For Christmas, I’d love these of wool socks, please and thank you! No, really, I’d love those socks.) Even better, you could go shopping with them. Get in some bonding time and get exactly what you want!
- Use proper washing techniques
Washing on cold with like-colors can preserve your clothes. Buttoning all your buttons and zipping all your zippers when washing can help too. And not only is line-drying more energy efficient, it’s also more gentle on your clothes. Win for nature.
- Shop with cash only
Credit cards and Target are a dangerous combination for me. When I’m shopping at the Big T, I only carry cash. It limits me and I need those limits. If you need those limits too, try just shopping with cash.
- Ask about discounts
Some well-known stores (J.Crew!) offer student discounts. Other give discounts for AAA members, state employees and birthday discounts. Just asking could save you enough for a mall pretzel.
- Borrow for a big event
Weddings, a special night out on the town or a vacation can crush your clothing budget. I used to use every big event as an excuse to buy something new. No more. I now commit to wear something from my closet or borrow something, if necessary. No more buying clothes to wear once.
- Stay out of the stores
This one is especially hard during the holiday season, but if you can, I’d recommend just staying out of stores. It takes away the temptation. Try my handmade holiday challenge and commit to making gifts this year.
How do you save money on clothing? Let me know in the comments!
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