That Socrates was one smart feller.
Happy Tuesday, ya’ll!
I’m pretty sure my (super long) tombstone inscription will say something like this: “Melanie: seasoned traveler, never able to sit down or stay in one spot too long. In the event of zombies, beware, she will rise!” George and I have the itch again. The itch to do something new. We won’t be giving up the Airstream, we love it dearly, but we’re looking on to bigger (or smaller?!) adventures in a van!
I know what you’re saying, but the Airstream is such a nice home on wheels! Yes, it is, but it would be very cumbersome for long journeys, much more expensive and probably more problematic than a van.
George bought the van for $850. I am on a Spending Diet so I didn’t contribute to the initial price of the van, but I will be using mostly my budget to fix it up. I don’t know how long we’ll be able to travel, ideally we’d be able to travel for a year or more, but that’s still up in the air. What we do know is this time we’re giving ourselves plenty of time to fix up her up. And boy are we going to need that time!
Just like the Airstream, the van has blue carpet, rust and some body work issues. Unlike the Airstream, we also have a chipped windshield, a super weird decal and a host of other issues. Let’s take a look, shall we?!
Yikes, right? It’s kind of terrifying how much work needs to be done, but I’m excited to fully remodel it to a home on wheels.
So what do you think? Are you excited to take this journey with us? Let me know in the comments!
I know I should just wait until tomorrow during Link Love to mention this, but I’m too excited!!! George and I were featured on the site, Tiny House Swoon yesterday. I didn’t even realize it was published until today! Do’h! But I am super excited to be up there with a few never-before-seen photos of the ol’ Airstream. Tiny House Swoon is one of those websites that I draw infinite inspiration from and I am honored to see our home with so many other lovely dwellings.
Check out the post here:Â
When I was in the earlier stages of this blog, I did a lot of book reviews. I tried to do one a week, but I got burnt out. I love to read, but the pressure of having to read so much in such a short period of time time really sucked the fun out of it. One of my oh so many goals this year is to read more– especially at night before bed. I usually spend much too much time scrolling through Pinterest or Instagram before I sleep. It isn’t good for me. In fact, I just read a study that it might be killing me! While I think that’s article is a touch sensationalist, I can’t deny that staring at a little blue screen right before I sleep isn’t as healthy as reading a good ol’ fashioned book.
Over the holidays I got the chance to finally finish up a book that I’d been reading for months. The book was entitled The Big Tiny: A Build It Myself Memoir by Dee Williams. Dee (I can call her right that? We’re friends now.) was one of the first (and most famous) pioneers of the tiny house movement. After she was diagnosed with a serious heart condition, Dee decided she needed a change in her life. While sitting in the doctor’s office, she read an article about a gentleman who built a tiny house and she couldn’t get it out of her head. The Big Tiny follows her story of building a tiny home, living in it and eventually teaching other people to do the same.
I think I live pretty small (188 square feet), but Dee truly lives tiny in 84 square feet. (That doesn’t count her loft, sleeping space, but still that’s super small.) Throughout this story I continually admired Dee’s courage. If I was a single lady, I don’t know if I would have ever taken the plunge into small living. I’d probably just rent an apartment and continue into the debt cycle forever. Dee figured out how to build an entire house by herself! She hammered and nailed and put up walls with a a serious heart condition. She’s one courageous lady.
I enjoyed that this book wasn’t a how-to manual, but at times I was a bit bored by the stories of Dee’s everyday life. Her life in the tiny house was interesting, but I found myself skipping through some of the stories about her life prior to the tiny house. But let’s be real, my everyday life is pretty boring too.
This book wasn’t a life changer for me, but it did inspire me to be more resourceful. I’d definitely recommend it to anyone who is interested in tiny living.
What have you been reading lately? Let’s discuss!
Happy (almost) New Year, ya’ll! I know it’s cliche to make a New Year’s “resolution,” but I think goal setting is important. It gives me something to aim for. So let’s just call these 2015 goals, shall we?!
I’m all about self-improvement and getting shit done, so I love a good goal-setting session. This year I’m setting S.M.A.R.T. goals, of course. But my S.M.A.R.T. goals are rather personal and a touch boring to anyone other than myself. They also aren’t catchy or an easy mantra. This year I’ve decided to separate my goals into two big ideas: more and less. Before I take on another task or eat that second fourth piece of chocolate I want to ask myself: Will this add more happiness to my life? Will this create less stress?
Here are my goals (more or less, ha-ha!)
Flossing (eek! I made that goal last year!)
Phone browsing
What do you need more of in your life? What do you need less of?
Let me know in the comments!
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah! This year we are celebrated both! This holiday season I also lost my mind and challenged myself to spend only $100 on almost 20 presents for friends and family. Check out the original post if you need a refresher.
And for those of you who were curious about my strategy, this post explains it. If you’re not feeling extra literary, here’s the short of it: I used coupons, I had a no-gift pact with my husband, I crafted and I shopped early, among other things.
Since it’s now Christmas, I can share the full details with you!
Total: $100.21
You guys, I got so close! It’s almost unbelievable! Admittedly, I probably didn’t add in tax for everything (which is pretty low here). I would have been under if everything had worked as planned– but of course it never does! I had planned on redeeming some of my credit card/debit card points for gift cards, but they didn’t arrive in time. Although I ordered them a month ago. Ugh!
Regardless, I’m considering this a win!
So what did I learn? Start early– super early. I thought I was starting early enough with a month’s leeway, but I could have used more time. The holidays are such a busy time, I’d love to just be able to sit back and enjoy them without all the shopping and craziness.
Use cash because it’s more tangible and you can easily figure out exactly how much you have left in your budget.
I also learned to look in the clearance section before even looking at something that people might enjoy. Then, use your coupons strategically. I always tried to get things for less than a dollar, if possible.
And luckily, I have a coupon crazy mom who graciously couponed for me and gave up some of her Kohl’s cash for me.
Happy holidays, ya’ll! It’s been a fun, wild ride, but I’m glad it’s over. I can’t wait for the refreshing start of a new year!
c/o Death to Stock Photos
I jumped on the bandwagon and started listening to Serial. You’ve been living under a rock somewhere if you haven’t heard of it. If you have been living under a rock, props to you, can I visit sometime? I could use a break.
Anyway, Serial is a true crime podcast, brought to you by some of the same people from This American Life. (Sidenote: for years, years, I used to think “Brought to you by” was one word because the people of PBS said it so quickly. Thanks public television.) And I obviously don’t make Serial sound appealing, but OMG IT IS. I’m hooked.
That got me thinking that I’ve never shared my favorite podcasts with you all. And there are some good ones out there, folks. Take a break from all that holiday music and open up your ears to some sustenance! Here’s some of my favorite podcasts:
This podcast is brought to you by (ha-ha!) the same guys who wrote the book. Freakonomics tells stories of the “hidden side of everything” including money. I’ve spent many a “drive way moment” listening to these fellows.
The Radical Personal Finance Podcast
The RPFP explores all aspects of finances and money management with a focus on the financial strategies of society’s outliers, like the homeless and billionaires! Radical, dude!
Listen Money Matters!
These guys say this isn’t your dad’s personal finance show and it isn’t. This show is funny, honest and give actionable advice to follow. And money saving should be entertaining, right?
Natalie Sisson’s The Suitcase Entrepreneur
In short interviews, Natalie describes the ins-and-outs of a travelling entrepreneur. This one is great if you’ve only got a few minutes before a doctor’s appointment or a meeting.
Extra Pack of Peanuts Travel Podcast
Travis Sherry describes himself as “Rick Steves for the new generation.” Travis interviews some of the biggest names in travel and teaches listeners how to travel for less. Yes!
TheVAP – The Vintage Airstream Project
The VAP is great for new Airstream owners because it describes purchasing, repair and travel in an RV. It’s not always riveting, but it is informative.
Tiny House Chat
Tiny house chat does exactly what is meant to do: it talks about all things tiny house and all things tiny living! Tiny house dwellers (like me!) are so interesting, no?!
Minimalism for the rest of us
Minimalism for the rest of us typically is interviews or stories from people on their journey to minimalism. I’m a fan of minimalism and I like to hear about other people’s journey to the school of thought.
Elise Gets Crafty
Elise Gets Crafty is one of my favorite podcasts because Elise is such a natural! Usually she talks about running a small business or talks to small business owners. It’s fun and chatty, but also informative. I’ve learned so much from this podcast!
Creating Your Own Path
Creating Your Own Path is a podcast that I just got into recently. Jennifer converses with small business owners and asks them what I always want to know: how did you create your own path?!
What are your favorite podcasts? I’d love to hear them in the comments!
It’s the holiday season and I can’t get that damn song out of my head. You know the one– “It’s the holiday season… With the whoop-de-do and hickory dock. And don’t forget to hang up your sock!” Does anyone else think that Andy Williams sounds completely drunk off Grandma’s eggnog during that song? No? Just me. Ok, let’s move on.
This past weekend George and I decked the Airstream out in Christmas lights. Our place isn’t big enough for a tree, but it wasn’t feeling very holiday-ish ’round these parts. My mom had given us a single string of lights so I decided, what the hey, let’s string ’em up on the outside of the trailer.
I don’t care if it is trashy. It made it feel a lot more Christmasy around here and I kind of love the way the light reflects on the Airstream.
Big thanks to my husband, George who swept off the top of our trailer and put up the lights while I comforted our terrified dog. Someone knocking and climbing all over our house is super scary– even if it is your dad. Poor little bit.
Does it feel holiday-ish around your parts? Let me know in the comments!
Whether we’re ready or not the holiday season is upon us. But with all the gift-giving and party-attending, your wallet might be hurtin’. Mine is too, friend. So this holiday season I’m looking for cheap ways to celebrate the holidays. Here’s some of my favorites free or cheap things to do this holiday season.
What are your favorite free or cheap things to do this holiday season? Let me know in the comments!
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