Category Archives: Uncategorized

How Living in a Small, Rural Community Has Made Me More Thankful

goodbye, little one.

goodbye, little one.

I need to confess. I’ve had vivid fantasies of throwing a lit match onto a trail of gasoline as I speed out of my small town in my Civic and Alex Clare’s Too Close plays on the radio. Some days, leaving my town in a blaze of glory sounds so appealing. But as I was spackling up the nail holes in my apartment walls this weekend, I realized this place has taught me more than I could have ever imagined.

I hate to admit it, but the most valuable lesson my small, rural community has taught me is thankfulness. I took so many things for granted living in big(ger) city.

I risk sounding like a spoiled brat when I say this but, I’ve missed my little conveniences. A trip to Starbucks, a late-night run to the grocery store, more than one place to eat, a real bar!

I will be incredibly thankful to have my little conveniences back. But even more than those little things, I’ve become more thankful for big things too.

I’m thankful I have a loving husband.
I’m thankful I have an education.
I’m thankful I am literate.
I’m thankful I have supportive family.
I’m thankful I have a home.

I know I didn’t move to a third world country, but I took for granted so many things before moving to this small, rural community. I serve students and community members every day that have none of the “big things” I possess.

Thank you, little town, for teaching me to be more thankful. I won’t forget you.




The bun gives me super librarian powers.

I’m happy to report that after a long, hard journey I finally got a new job! I will be moving closer to my family and to a big (to me) city. I couldn’t be more excited.

I was hoping that this summer would be a relaxing one, anddddd now it won’t be, but I’m thankful for the change. I’ve never been 100% happy with my current job. I love being a librarian, but it is a struggle for me to live in a rural area away from most of the people that I love.

Now comes the moving part! I’m dreading the actual process of packing my things up once again. I’ve moved eleven times in the past ten years. Insane? Yes, probably. But so is life.

Do you have any big changes coming this summer? Tell me about them in the comments!


Never Before Seen Wedding Photos!


As you guys know, my wedding was featured on Junebug Weddings. While I was totally honored to be on the blog, they didn’t pick my favorite photos. Wedding blogs, in general, are really interested in the details of it all. But I really didn’t care too much about the little things. Yes, I made my bouquet, but I didn’t carry it. It felt unnatural. I carried a purse instead.

So I decided to share some of my personal favorite photos today!

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What do YOU want from Love Library? A Reader’s Survey

Reporting to duty!

Your willing and able blog host reporting for duty!


Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about where I want to take this blog. And if I’m being honest, I’ve been thinking a lot about the direction of my life too. I’ve got some major life changes coming up– good ones I think– and I’ve had to put on my big girl pants more than once these past couple of weeks and woman up.

Which leads me to this question… What do you all want from this blog? I need sage advice from my loyal and beautiful readers. I’m by no means a professional blogger and some days I struggle with things like:

  • Topics – are there topics (specific or general) you’d like covered in the coming months?
  • Types of Posts – DIY, recipes, books, fashion, personal stuff…. have your say about what you like most/least
  • Posting Frequency – too many posts, not enough, just right?
  • Design – I am planning a blog redesign this summer – so your comments and ideas would be helpful at this point
  • Blog Features – what would make your reader experience better?
  • Community – Are there features that you’d like added to help connect more? Do you feel connected to me?
  • Services and Tools – what could I offer you to help you improve your life?
  • What Frustrates You about  Love Library? What is Best about it?
  • Other Ideas and Feedback – anything goes, big or little.

This list was heavily created from this post on Problogger.

Please leave your answers to one or all questions in the comments. I will leave the survey up indefinitely, but I will offer up the prize of a free book to one lucky, randomly selected commenter on Wednesday, May 1, 2013. The winner can be a previous winner and does not have to be a citizen of the U.S.A.

Please help me improve!

love always,

Books for Kids to Give as Mother’s Day Gifts

Mother’s Day will be here before you know it, so I started researching books to give to my own mama. In the process, I stumbled upon so, so many cute books for children to give to their moms as gifts. As a kid, I would have loved to give my mom a Mother’s Day themed book that I could read to her. Heck, I still might read her a children’s book and I’m 27, ya’ll. Who doesn’t love story time?!

Here’s my top 5 picks:

5. what not to give your momWhat NOT to Give Your Mom on Mother’s Day
Martha Simpson (Author), Jana Christy (Illustrator)

A list-based book that tells the story of a child giving his mother Mother’s Day gifts better suited for animals.

Easy-to-read for the beginning readers, but this book may be a little childish for kids over 6.

4.  Mother’s Day Surprisemother's day surprise
Stephen Krensky
 (Author), Kathi Ember (Illustrator)

Violet the snake is stumped! Her forest friends are all making gifts for their mothers for Mother’s Day. But Violet doesn’t have any arms or legs or teeth! What’s a snake to do?!

Reptilian-loving kids will love this story. We all know those kids! But they may point out that snakes do have teeth (or fangs) and Violet’s teeth are showing on almost every page. A small flaw in an otherwise cute story.

the night before mother's day3. The Night Before Mother’s Day
Natasha Wing (Author), Amy Wummer (Illustrator)

One in the many and well-liked “Night Before” series, this book shows dad and the girls setting up a spa day and making a cake for mom.

What mom doesn’t want a spa day?! ‘Nuff said.

happy mothers day!2. Little Critter: Happy Mother’s Day!
Mercer Mayer (Author, Illustrator)

Mercer Mayer books are true classics. And this book is no different. This time, Little Critter has a special surprise in store for Mom. This interactive book encourages kids to lift the flaps of the pages to see what Little Critter has created for his mom. Fun for kids that need that tactile stimulation!

we love our mom

1. We Love our Mom!
Jan Berenstain (Author, Illustrator), Mike Berenstain (Author, Illustrator)

And for my number one choice, my sentimentality won out. I have such fond memories of my mom reading my sister and I Berenstain Bears stories when we were small. She even had a special voice for each bear!

In this recent addition to the Berenstain Bears collection, Brother and Sister look for a way to show their mom they care.

My mom is definitely getting this one for mother’s day. Maybe with a spa gift certificate as a bookmark?!

What are you giving your mom on Mother’s Day?


The Biggest Before and After EVER!


The old library shelving



We had our reference section sitting on our study carrels for 6 months because the shelving collapsed when we tried to move it : /


I’ve been absent ’round these parts because… (dun, dun, dun!) I’ve had a huge project at work (whomp, whomp). But this is no ordinary project. Last year, I wrote a request to the senior leadership team at my school to fund new library shelving. The old shelving was falling apart. Literally. The furniture in the library was all original to the school, so it has been there since 1969! After much fighting, scraping and the occasional tear, we got the go ahead for new shelving!

Today I am happy to bring you the biggest “Before and After” this blog has ever seen!



I no longer feel like I might get assaulted when I re-shelve books!

I no longer feel like I might get assaulted when I re-shelve books!

Our new bright, airy stacks!

It has been a long process. We weeded 6,000 books from the collection. We researched and designed shelves. And we physically moved and re-shelved 24,000 books.

I am tired. My body hurts. I didn’t know being a librarian often involves so much physical labor. I actually soaked in Epsom salts last night. I am an old lady, but a happy old lady who knows that hard work pays off.


Happy Birthday, George!

Photo by Richard Israel Photography.

Photo by Richard Israel Photography.

Today is my love’s birthday. I love this dude more now than I did a year ago. We’ve been through so much in the past year and I couldn’t be prouder of you, George! You are patient, kind, handsome and so, so talented!

Happy Birthday, Georgie! I hope the next year is even happier than the last!

If you want to wish George a “Happy Birthday” follow him on Instagram or check out his website.

love your wife,

Why It’s OK to Give Up… Sometimes

Me looking very tired in my motorcycle gear.

Me looking very tired in my motorcycle gear.

This past weekend I attended my first motorcycle class. I was nervous and excited, but to be honest, I didn’t have much time to think about it. I’ve had an insane week.

Prior to going into any new situation, I like to prepare myself– mentally and physically. (Amy Cuddy has an amazing TED talk about body language and confidence.) But this time, it just didn’t happen. I went into the class unprepared.

I’ve been wanting to learn to ride a motorcycle for a while. And when the college I work at started offering classes, I jumped at the chance– just like I usually jump at every chance and opportunity that comes my way.

But jumping at every opportunity has its disadvantages. George and I had a long talk last night about how we spread ourselves too thin. We were taught at a young age to go for every opportunity because it might not come our way again. We were also taught the art of perseverance and to never, ever, under any circumstance give up.

The older I get, the more I think I need to stop jumping at every little opportunity that passes by. I also am beginning to think that sometimes it just might be ok to give up. I was feeling disheartened, unenthusiastic and worn out by the end of my motorcycle class on Saturday. I was dreading attending class on the following day.

I had several people try to convince me that I shouldn’t “give up” and that I should “push through.” But at the end of the day on Saturday, I wasn’t having fun anymore. So I listened to my body and my instincts and I quit the class. It is the first thing I can remember ever consciously quitting.

Yesterday I let myself sleep in and relax all day with George. And it felt good. Really good. I experienced a little twinge of guilt when my alarm went off in the morning, but I hit the ignore button and kept on sleeping. Because that was what I needed at that moment.

I will attempt to learn how to ride a motorcycle again. But next time I’m doing it at my own speed. When that next opportunity or project rolls around, I am going to think twice and remember that sometimes it is ok to quit things that aren’t important.

Have you ever been a “quitter?”


Home Tour: Bedroom

DSC_1028It feels like it has been raining for the last month. I have the hardest time getting out of bed when it is raining. Rain pitter pattering on my tin roof is one of the best sounds in the world. Since I’ve spent so much time there lately (and I’ve cleaned a ton!), I thought I’d share my boudoir with you! I don’t think it will ever get any cleaner, so I had to document the occasion.

DSC_1022George made the moon backdrop for our wedding. He free-handed it. That man is amazing.
DSC_1023 DSC_1024My dad made this nightstand in woodshop when he was 16. He gave it to my grandma, and after she passed, he gave it to me. It is one of my most precious things.
DSC_1026 DSC_1033I love our little bedroom and our home, but I do hope spring will show up soon! I need to get out of this house!


Happy Birthday, love library!

Photo by heartlover1717 on Flickr

Photo by heartlover1717 on Flickr

One year ago today I started this little blog. It has gone through a lot of changes since the beginning. I wanted to write about weddings, but I quickly found out that I hated writing about weddings. I’ve tried things that have worked and didn’t work, and I appreciate anyone who has stuck around. I’ve got some fun things planned for this little blog and I hope ya’ll stick around for another year!
