Patience is not my forte. I’ve thrown my share of Veruca Salt-style fits during our 10-month-long home renovation. None of my fits have been quite as musical as Veruca’s, but I’ve definitely been frustrated that the renovation process has been so slow. And this week has been no exception. I’ve been feeling super stressed and irritated that this week we had to go back to the farm and the Airstream for work.

And I’m not going to pretend like when we got to the Airstream, all my stresses melted away. They didn’t. But looking back on how we renovated the Airstream five years ago, helps me to remember that we’ve been here before. I need to chillax, as the kid’s say. Our home renovation is going to happen. And I might even be a little bit sad when it’s over.

In the meantime, I’m doing what I can– like dusting off our old porch furniture, pouring myself a drink, and enjoying the moment.

While we’ve been back at the farm, I’ve enjoyed rediscovering some of our old things we had sitting in the barn– like our porch furniture. I’m also carefully choosing a few new items for our new home. I want to be very picky and chose items that are in it for the long haul.

One of those long-haul items is this beautiful baby Alpaca throw from Serena and Lily.* It’s a thin, beautiful, neutral blanket that’s perfect for cool, summer night breezes. You can tell Bambi has already claimed it as her own. Insert eye roll here.
Are y’all slowing down or speeding up this summer? How are you taking time to just enjoy the moment? Talk to me in the comments!!
*Blanket was c/o Serena and Lily. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
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