My Favorite Podcasts


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I jumped on the bandwagon and started listening to Serial. You’ve been living under a rock somewhere if you haven’t heard of it. If you have been living under a rock, props to you, can I visit sometime? I could use a break.

Anyway, Serial is a true crime podcast, brought to you by some of the same people from This American Life. (Sidenote: for years, years, I used to think “Brought to you by” was one word because the people of PBS said it so quickly. Thanks public television.) And I obviously don’t make Serial sound appealing, but OMG IT IS. I’m hooked.

That got me thinking that I’ve never shared my favorite podcasts with you all. And there are some good ones out there, folks. Take a break from all that holiday music and open up your ears to some sustenance! Here’s some of my favorite podcasts:

This podcast is brought to you by (ha-ha!) the same guys who wrote the book. Freakonomics tells stories of the “hidden side of everything” including money. I’ve spent many a “drive way moment” listening to these fellows.

The Radical Personal Finance Podcast
The RPFP explores all aspects of finances and money management with a focus on the financial strategies of society’s outliers, like the homeless and billionaires! Radical, dude!

Listen Money Matters!
These guys say this isn’t your dad’s personal finance show and it isn’t. This show is funny, honest and give actionable advice to follow. And money saving should be entertaining, right?

Natalie Sisson’s The Suitcase Entrepreneur
In short interviews, Natalie describes the ins-and-outs of a travelling entrepreneur. This one is great if you’ve only got a few minutes before a doctor’s appointment or a meeting.

Extra Pack of Peanuts Travel Podcast
Travis Sherry describes himself  as “Rick Steves for the new generation.” Travis interviews some of the biggest names in travel and teaches listeners how to travel for less. Yes!

TheVAP – The Vintage Airstream Project
The VAP is great for new Airstream owners because it describes purchasing, repair and travel in an RV. It’s not always riveting, but it is informative.

Tiny House Chat
Tiny house chat does exactly what is meant to do: it talks about all things tiny house and all things tiny living! Tiny house dwellers (like me!) are so interesting, no?!

Minimalism for the rest of us
Minimalism for the rest of us typically is interviews or stories from people on their journey to minimalism. I’m a fan of minimalism and I like to hear about other people’s journey to the school of thought.

Elise Gets Crafty
Elise Gets Crafty is one of my favorite podcasts because Elise is such a natural! Usually she talks about running a small business or talks to small business owners. It’s fun and chatty, but also informative. I’ve learned so much from this podcast!

Creating Your Own Path
Creating Your Own Path is a podcast that I just got into recently. Jennifer converses with small business owners and asks them what I always want to know: how did you create your own path?!

What are your favorite podcasts? I’d love to hear them in the comments!


6 thoughts on “My Favorite Podcasts

  1. Essie

    I must be living under that rock you mentioned because I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT A PODCAST IS. Really, i have no idea. I clicked on that travel link and they want me to download ITunes but I can’t because I use a tablet. Anyway, someday when my computer skills are more advanced, I will download some of those links.

    1. melanie Post author

      Ahhhh! Yeah, podcasts are kind of like talk radio. Those links are from iTunes because that’s the easiest way to get them, but some of the podcasts might also have websites. If you were talking about the Extra Pack of Peanuts podcast, they have a website and you can listen there:

    1. melanie Post author

      You’re welcome! And I go through phases where I love podcasts, then I forget about them for a couple months. It’s a cycle 🙂

  2. Jen

    I really like ‘The Lively Show’ with Jess Lively. Episode 49 about approaching the holidays intentionally was my first listen & I’ve been hooked since. A few of my other go-to podcasts are ‘The Moth’, ‘One Part Podcast’ and ‘Risk’ (for when I’m feeling adventurous). I’m also a big fan of some of the podcasts you mentioned, but I’d never heard of ‘Elise Gets Crafty’. I’ve been listening to it this weekend based on your rec; thanks for introducing me to it!

    Happy holidays!

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