Airstream Livin’: Nine Months Update

Trying to keep the day we purchased the Airstream in my mind.

Trying to keep the day we purchased the Airstream in my mind.

It’s been about nine months living in the Airstream full-time. I love our little tin can, but I have to admit there are days when it is really, really hard. I’m under quite a bit of stress at work to finish up projects before the summer and it’s easy to bring that stress home with me.

A small space gets more cluttered more quickly and the cooking area just never seems big enough. George has been working super hard to take on more commissions and I am super proud of him. But that also means that he has less time to help out around the ol’ Stream. I have so many dreams and goals for this blog, the Airstream and my life, but sometimes they seem too far out of my reach.

I know things will look up. It’s almost the summer time, my work will lighten up, there will be beach trips and time to get organized. There will be time to live those dreams, to grow something with my own hands, to grow this blog and to spend time with the people I love.

I don’t regret one minute of our journey in the Airstream, it’s just a rough patch. I still love the ol’ girl and I know we’ll get through this together.



12 thoughts on “Airstream Livin’: Nine Months Update

  1. ontheupcyclemom

    Hang in there Melanie! I have like you been experiencing a bit of a rough patch myself lately. The good news is it won’t last forever. Spring is coming after a long cold winter : )

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  3. Raissomat

    This is an old post but still i feel the need to comment thanking you for the honesty. We have lived similarly small for a year, and I remember desperate times. When the grounds flooded, and the toilet stopped working, and I had to go out at night under pouring rain to poop behind a tree, or the mice that suddenly where everywhere, or rainy days inside, crammed spaces and laundry taking up the living space, rain coming in from the chimney, and grumpy fiancé, so upset about living whitout internet or home office. But looking back it was the most amazing time ever. The wood stove, the cosy movie nights, watching the snow that starts to fall, while safe and warm inside, the wild rabbits and fawns, the walks, and the best: coming home after a busy/depressing day at work in the city, to our little fire heated hideaway.

  4. Raissomat

    Oh and if you struggle to find fresh veggies definitely grow your own!! (You probably have by now, how’d it go?) I would start with easy stuff that gives a lot, like zucchini, squash, beans, radishes, chard..and build a fence of some sort, so fawns and other forest fauna won’t eat your food away 🙂
    Good luck!!

  5. Lou Whitfield

    Hey Meanie
    im in the uk and have just found this site…are you still living in the airstream? are you happy lol? i dont know if this site is updated now but if not can you point me in the right direction as i love the concept and idea of living a life like this 🙂
    Lou u.k

  6. Yvonne

    Your Airstream looks very much like our 1977 Overlander-yellow bathroom wallpaper included! It is all vintage at this point which means a LOT of updating is desired. However, she’s an old camper and a camper she shall be until it starts raining money. We finally tore up the old carpet-getting ready to put the Kilz on, then paint the floor and make do with throw rugs for now.I will look at your other links!

  7. Georg

    It’s 14 January 2017, 0643. Are you still living in the Airstream? What kind of Airstream is it? Is it a Land Yacht? Airstreams cost a lot of money, even the used ones. I’ve read that they are the Harley-Davidson of travel trailers.

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