30 Ways to Live a Simpler Life

30 ways to live a simpler life

Living simply has been on my mind as of late. I think I live a pretty simple life. I mean, it can’t get too complicated when you live in an Airstream. I may have the whole simplistic living situation figured out, but there’s still plenty of room for improvement. Lately I’ve been feeling a little “over” the Internet. There’s just a whole lot of stuff and not enough substance. Do you feel me? This week I’ve weeded out time-consuming blogs. I’m also giving myself a little break to take a technology detox and celebrate a special someone’s birthday tomorrow. I’m going to get out there with my favorite person and just live.

  1. Commit to living simply
  2. Practice mindfulness
  3. Clear the clutter
  4. Get your financial house in order
  5. Identify your sources of stress
  6. Eliminate your sources of stress, if possible
  7. Outsource your chores
  8. Take a technology break
  9. Turn the alerts off
  10. Do something nice for someone
  11. Write down your feelings
  12. Actually take your vacation time
  13. Take time for yourself each day
  14. Shun perfection
  15. Take time to enjoy nature each day
  16. Eat meals with 5 ingredients or less
  17. Eat more fruits and veggies
  18. Eat lunch away from your desk
  19. Make a list of priorities
  20. Meditate or practice yoga
  21. Give yourself a break
  22. Forgive yourself
  23. Read a book just for fun
  24. Share your feelings with someone
  25. Listen to calming music
  26. Get a good night’s rest
  27. Tell someone you love them
  28. Learn to day “no”
  29. Remember that things are just things
  30. Commit to simplicity again tomorrow

How do you keep it simple? Let me know in the comments.
