The view from a block from my house.
Picture by muah!
I have to admit, I’m not always the most thankful person. I always want more. It’s the perfectionist in me. Or consumer, if you want to be political.
I want to live in a bigger city with more opportunities and exciting food. I want a better wardrobe. I want to travel. I want more free time. Want. Want. Want. Want. Want.
And although I think it is good to keep my eye on the prize and all those clichés, I also need to remember what I have. I live in a beautiful, historic town. I have a closet full of clothes. I’ve been all over the country. And I’m apparently making enough time to blog.
ANDDDDD something really exciting happened to me today. I won a grant! When I found out I literally skipped around the library. So that means I will be traveling to a conference in one of my favorite towns, Asheville, NC this weekend! I’m more excited and grateful than I have been in a long time.
How do you stay thankful?
i love this.. great of shot of the sunset too… its the little things that remind me to be thankful.
thats a great picture! sometimes it is pretty hard to remember what you have to be thankful for but its pretty great when something wonderful falls right into your lap!
Dear melanie
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This is a beautiful entry, stunning picture, and best of all, I know that feeling of exhilaration and absolutely happiness that suddenly washes over you and wraps you up like a warm blanket. That silent sense of content. Beautiful.