14 Easy Ways to Save Money

The going has been tough for this girl. It’s almost the end of the spring semester and my head is spinning with projects, conferences and classes. During these insanely busy times, it’s so much easier to just stop and pick up something to eat or buy something just to make myself feel better. But I don’t want to fall off the savings bandwagon, I want to keep savings toward my goal of travel and eventually retirement. Lately I’ve been looking for easy ways to save money during these oh so busy times. Here’s a few of the easiest ways I’ve found to save a little dough.

  1. Automatic draft
    This is by far my favorite tip for saving money. Set up an automatic draft to pull money from your checking account into your savings account each month. It’s automatic so you have no excuse not to do it. Think of it as a bill you pay yourself!

  1. Cancel subscriptions you don’t use
    Subscription services are becoming a huge industry. Subscriptions, like Netflix or Barkbox can be fun, but remember they charge your credit card each month. Check your monthly bank statement and cancel any subscriptions you don’t use.

  1. Keep your tires inflated & change your air filter
    Keeping your tires inflated can save you about 5 percent in gas mileage and keeping your car’s air filter fresh can save you about 7 percent in gas mileage! Just keeping up with your car’s maintenance and could save you hundreds each year.

  1. Reusable water bottle
    Ok, I admit it, I used to go through at least two plastic water bottles a day. The costs of those little suckers can add up– especially if you are purchasing them from a vending machine. Two bottles of water at $1.25 a pop over the course of a year adds up to almost $1,000!  I’ve made the eco-conscious and money-conscious switch to a reusable bottle and never looked back. I’ve been drinking more water since I don’t have to pay for it and

  1. Keep snacks in your desk at work
    Do you see a theme here? Avoid the vending machine! By keeping snacks in your desk at work, you won’t be lured by the glow of the office vending machine. My workplace also has a coffee shop nearby, so to avoid that temptation I keep instant coffee at my desk. Some of my favorite snacks to keep at my desk are apples and peanut butter, tea, instant coffee (of course) and individual packs of nuts.

  1. Generic version
    The generic version of everything is cheaper than the name brand. I love to save on beauty products by buying the generic version. I recently bought some over-the-counter medicine and I was shocked at how much I saved purchasing the generic version. Think about the savings that will accrue over the course of your life by always simply buying generic!

  1. Unplug
    Phantom power is a thing, ya’ll. Even devices that have been turned off can draw power (phantomly!) and up your power bill. Scary, huh? By unplugging the power suckers you’ll decrease your power bill and save yourself some change. I’ve been unplugging my laptop and cellphone charger when not in use and I was surprised at how easy it was to form the habit.

  1. Negotiate your cable, phone and Internet bills
    This is one of those big wins that can save you thousands over a lifetime. By simply calling your Internet, phone and cable provider and asking for a discount, you may be able to obtain one. Ask and ye shall receive!

  1. Wait to purchase
    Since I’ve been on my journey to saving money, I’ve noticed that I have a tendency to impulse buy. Instead of buying the item I want right away, I’ll pin it to my Pinterest board or promise myself to come back to the store tomorrow. Nine times out of ten by the next day, I won’t even want the thing anymore!

  1. Pay off your credit cards immediately
    I don’t think credit cards are evil like some people will lead you to believe. Credit cards just have to be used wisely. Don’t put purchases on your card that you can’t pay off right away. And don’t let interest accrue on your purchases. By paying off your cards right away, you’ll avoid paying any interest and you’ll strengthen the health of your credit score.

  1. Avoid ATM fees
    ATM fees are ridiculous. ATM fees are just one of those things that I refuse to pay, eve if the fee is only a couple of bucks. There’s so many ways to avoid those pesky fees. You can bank with a bank that doesn’t charge ATM fees, use a large bank who has branches all over the country and you can get cash back during purchases. I’ve bought a pack of gum before just to get cash back and avoid a fee. Afterall, I’d rather have a $2 pack of gum than a $2 ATM fee.

  1. Use the library!
    Libraries have a variety of goods and services available to their patrons for free! Your library probably offers more than you think. For more ways the library can save you money check out this post.

  1. Price check
    One of the best things about smart phones is that now you have the instant ability to price check stuff while out and about on your phone. Before I’m about to make a purchase over $20, I’ll whip out my smartphone and do a little price checking. If I can get it for less online, I’ll wait to purchase it. The delay in purchasing also helps with impulse buys. f you don’t have a smart phone, that’s ok too. Just write down the price and when you get home (or to the closest Internet connection) check out the price from other retailers.

  1. Make frugal friends
    I love my frugal friends. They’ve taught me so much about money, deals and saving. They aren’t afraid to stay at home and just hang out to save money. They invite me to yard sales and I invite them to the flea market. Frugal friends don’t put pressure on you to spend extra money or to go out to eat because they’re happy making a meal together at home. Making friends with frugal people is life-changing. Don’t have any frugal friends? Feel free to email me or leave me a comment and we can chat. Virtual frugal friends are better than no frugal friends!

    What easy ways have you saved money? Let me know in the comments!


5 thoughts on “14 Easy Ways to Save Money

  1. Lisa | Happy By

    I discovered your blog just recently Melanie and I’m so glad I did. I have been reading your previous posts (despite experiencing some problems with photos now showing – don’t know why) and finding really valuable advice, like these ones in this post. Keep up the good work of sharing true and helpful pieces. Happy Birthday 🙂

    1. lovelibrarianmelanie Post author

      Thanks, Lisa! If you let me know which posts aren’t showing photos on your end, I can take a look at them. I run this blog solo so sometimes things fall through the cracks!

  2. Pingback: 186 Ways to Save Money | love library

  3. Ev-Fancy-Ally

    I’ve just discovered your blog, so this comment may be a bit old. You may have even covered this before. 🙂

    I raised my son with no financial help from my ex-husband. Times were tough, money was scarce, but I was actually grateful in the end because I became a stronger person because of it.

    One of the easiest ways I found to save $$ was when I purchased shampoo, dishwashing liquid, liquid hand soap, and the like. I would pour half of the contents into the container I’d saved from the previous purchase, then fill each container with plain water until they were full again. I never noticed a difference in quality; it’s surprising how effective these liquids are, even diluted by half. It’s been many years since those days, but I still do this each time I buy any of those products. Older, but still thrifty!

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