Birthdays and Money

Well, today’s my birthday. I celebrated last weekend because I knew I wouldn’t have time to do much celebrating today. As I get older, I want to do less and less celebrating anyway. I’m happy just laying in bed and watching movies with George. And maybe eating pizza… I do love me some pizza. And to be honest, as I get older I want less and less things. Sure, I’ll occasionally see something pretty when I’m browsing Pinterest and maybe I’ll want it for two minutes, but I’m more interested in acquiring experiences now.

This has been a really nutty and difficult year. In some ways, I’m kind of glad that 27 is behind me. This year I’ve learned a lot about money. I’ve forced myself to stop being scared and careless with money and learn how to use it. This year I’ve also learned a lot about life and death. I’ve been forced to think about how I want to live the rest of my life and how money can help acquire that life. I don’t think money can buy happiness, but we all need money to live and we need to know how to use money as a tool for a better life. I believe the meaning of a better life is up to the individual. My better life means more time to travel, more time to spend with the people I love and to live life without debt.

Zora Neal Hurston once said, “There are years that ask questions and years that answer.” This year was a hard, real, thorny answer.




2 thoughts on “Birthdays and Money

  1. Loura

    Happy Birthday Melanie!!!
    28 is way better.(at least it was for me) Maybe its the 27 club, or Saturn’s return, or maybe its just biological, but 27 is hard for a lot of people.
    Here’s to a great year for you!

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